Past Newsletters:
August 2022
I’ve been backpacking for the last few months, exploring Portugal, Morocco, Spain & France. You can see what I’ve been up to on Instgram at tonibrownart and on my Facebook page. My sketchbooks are full and I’ve lots of new ideas for workshops. I’m currently planning Sydney Workshops for November & December. If any of the workshops outlined on my web page interest you, please let me know and I will pop your name on the alert list when dates are confirmed.
January 2022
At the moment, Sydney and much of Australia is in lockdown due to the pandemic. Classes have moved to Zoom. Dates for Studio classes at Dee Why will be decided after lockdown.
Here below I have collected some fun things to keep you busy, enthused and inspired with your creativity:
Art Juice Podcast with Alice Sheridan and Louise Fletcher have some wonderful interviews. I particularly liked the interview with Emz Finch. https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/looking-up-how-big-projects-can-grow-126/id1451530001?i=1000526362185
There is also a wonderful interview with Author, Seth Godin discussing fear and creativity.
Danny Gregory has also begun releasing short videos discussing art-making.
Books - I’ve just finished reading Julia Baird’s book, Phosphorescence, Book of the Year 2021. Such a beautiful read, inspiring me to get out into nature.
Art Supplies - if you are a student of mine, don’t forget to mention that for a discount when you are buying art materials at Eckersley’s, either inshore or online.
Top Tip - Put your name and phone number in your sketchbooks, just incase you leave them somewhere when you are out and about.
If you are looking for a new desk, Aldi have amazing adjustable ‘Sit/Stand’ desks available at the moment at their NSW stores.
TED Talk - Ethan Hawke on Art, it’s not a luxury, it is sustenance…
Free Online Course - Virtual Art Summit, Colour for Everyone. Kellee Wynne Studios, featuring courses by Alice Sheridan and Louise Fletcher, lots of colour mixing ideas.
Exhibitions - If you’re in Sydney, don’t miss the Art Gallery of NSW, Hilma af Klint
Stay safe, everyone. Hope to see you in class soon!
January Newsletter:
A fresh new year… I hope you have faired well and are feeling energised by having had some downtime or lockdown or both!
Classes: Details of classes and workshops are on my bookings page. Please drop me a message as soon as possible to book your spot. Feel free to book single classes, having said that, priority will be given to students booking multiple classes.
Reading: I really enjoyed reading Celia Paul’s Memoir about her life as a painter and her relationship with Lucian Freud. Beautifully written and insightful.
Listening: The Sneaky Art Podcast has some fabulous interviews with Urban Sketchers such as Paul Wang and Suhita Shirodkar. I love how Nishant’s questions come from the perspective of Urban Sketching and art education.
New Products: Daniel Smith Watercolour 36 Confetti Dot Cards
Exhibitions: Manly Art Gallery, Archibald Prize-winning Nicholas Harding Theatre Sketchbooks from performances at The Sydney Theatre Company
Art Gallery of NSW: Art After Dark, Wednesday evenings until 9pm
Feel Good Stuff: https://dannygregorysblog.com/
Have a lovely Summer
October Newsletter:
New classes:
Start 27 October, Monday evening Zoom classes and Tuesday on location. See Bookings page for details.
To take advantage of the Jacaranda season, we will be sketching in Wendy Whiteley’s Secret Garden. ‘Purple Magic Workshop’. Bookings open soon. Numbers limited.
Art Documentary:
Netflix - Salvador Dali, In Search of Immortality. A wonderful insight into the man and the amazing woman behind him.
The Portraits Project at Manly Art Gallery. Celebrating the Gallery’s 90th anniversary, 15 Sydney artists are featured including Guy Maestri, Joshua Yeldham and Salvatore Zofrea. On until end November. Well worth a visit!
Van Gogh Alive. Have you seen it yet? Beautiful images, quotes and music. Season extended until December 20
Inspiring Reading:
The Story Behind the Artist Support Pledge https://www.positive.news/lifestyle/arts/the-artist-who-created-an-economy-built-on-trust-and-generosity/#.XusYl3QJrdg.facebook
Urban Sketching Newsletter: http://www.urbansketchers.org/p/drawingattention.html
New Art Supplies:
If your’e after a Christmas gift for yourself, check out these fab new stand-up art cases. I love mine, not too big, not too small, just right!
If you have any art news that you’d like to share, please get in touch!
September Newsletter
Congratulations to our 8 new sketchers branching out into the world, having completed our Sydney Learn to Sketch & Colour Course. Our Tuesday online class have continued delving into techniques for sandstone doorways, quirky cafes, and looking at the work of Marc Taro Holmes and Felix Scheinberger. We finished the term this week with a portrait party!
A new online, Learn to Sketch & Colour evening class starts on Monday 14 September. Perfect for those people working during the day or Victorians still in lockdown.
Term 4 Classes commences in October and bookings are now open for on-location classes on Tuesdays on Sydney’s Northern Beaches.
The Art Gallery of Victoria has a wonderful free online event 22 September, Etchings by Rembrandt https://youtu.be/iKhQISSsOFI
If you’re keen to try some new watercolours, why not check out the individual Daniel Smith pans from Larry Post for only $7.95 each
Art Tool Kit have just launch a new tiny watercolour travel set. Check out their free online video tutorials and interviews. https://art-toolkit.com/products/palettes/
I’ve received a new Laloran Sketchbook, beautifully bound and covered. This one will be used for mixed media pieces, rather than leaving artwork lost in folders. I’ll post photos to Instagram & Facebook. https://laloranstore.bigcartel.com/product/m-square-sketchbook
Sketch Book suggestion: The SketchBook Idea Generator by Jennifer Orkin Lewis
Book/Novel suggestion: The Museum of Modern Love by Heather Rose. Have you read it? One of my favourite reads this year, set in and around the New York Museum of Modern Art. 'One of my stand-out Australian reads from 2016 . . . A glorious novel, meditative and special' Hannah Kent, author of BURIAL RITES
July Update
Our next social sketch meet will be at Manly Art Gallery on Thursday 16 July. The maximum number of visitors at the Gallery is 100, so no need to book. Simply drop me a text and let me know if you plan to come. Friends welcome too!
Term 3 starts, Tuesday 21 July. There is a mix of in-person and online classes on offer. Choose between regular Zoom classes over 8 weeks, Learn to Sketch classes for Beginners (in person), Pop-Up Workshops and Private Lessons. Workshops will be announced later this month.
Here is a link to a fabulously inspiring book:
Sketchbook Explorations, Shelley Rhodes
Check out this new BBC documentary about the building of the Sydney Opera House:
April Newsletter
Gosh how the world has changed since the Covid-19 pandemic was proclaimed. We have more need than ever for things that prompt our creativity and distract us from what we cannot change or control...
Some of us have been meeting on Zoom to catchup, share and talk about art. I know these meetings willl evolve and change. Thank you for your participation, encouragement and ideas. Ive particularly enjoyed our Book Club sessions dicussing our favourite sketchbook artists.
I’ve just finished teaching our first Beginners Sketch Course for 2020. Preparation has also begun for delivering my first online beginners course at the end of April. If you know someone who would love to use this time to learn to sketch and watercolour, please let me know. There are 2 spots available.
Term 2 Tuesdays Online is also scheduled to begin at the end of April. We will be discussing negative space, composition and sketchbook prompts. This class is also fully booked and I’m taking bookings for a 2nd class. Let me know if you’d like to join up.
Sunday Sketch Soirees will also be held each Sunday in May from 3PM - 5PM. See Bookings page for details.
NEW, One-On-One Zoom sessions as private lessons. If you have specific questions or areas of your art that you would like to develop and just need a hand, let me know. We can meet online at a time that suits you.
In terms of poisitive distractions that help build our creativity, here are a few links below to make you smile…
Creative Sprint
Looking for something easy and creative to do with kids? Google the 100 dot idea from Art Sprints...A really interesting concept that has been tested in the corporate world and works like a treat. I used this as a creative online date with my neice and nephew and they loved it! For more details have a look at
Www.anotherlimitedrebellion.com and check out their books, fabulous gift ideas!
Louise Fletcher Art
Louise is holding a sketchbook focus in April, so if you are looking to get back into sketching, this could be a great springboard
An article on the value of contour line drawing:
Brooklyn Library Sketchbook Project
The Sydney Opera House has some amazing online resources, free concerts,podcast and tours. I’m really looking forward to the Missy Higgins Concert :-)
A favourite film:
‘Once’ by director, John Carney, Best International Indie Film, set in Dublin. Beautiful, romantic musical drama.
TED Talk: Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic Creativity & Letting Go of Fear
Stay safe and take care
Toni, April 2020
FREE STUFF to share
Watercolour Flower Tutorials:
Koosje Koene’s Sketching Drawtip Tuesday:
Urban Sketchers Magazine - Drawing Attention
Sketchbook Skool free videos and sample courses:
Free Mixed Media Course: The Layered Page
Parka Blogs Free Videos:
I've been wanting to create a newsletter for some time now. With so many communication mediums these days, there is no one ideal way to reach you all. I could choose email, text, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, or simply post a newsletter here to my website :-)
Special thanks to everyone who has supported and encouraged me in developing my own art classes. I wouldn’t be able to do this without you. My aim here is to share my plans, art news and ideas that inspire, support and help build community.
Illustration Class at Harry Hartog Booksellers
My classes are open to anyone interested in art; you do not need to have had any previous art experience. Tuesday classes have been well subscribed and Term 1 is nearly finished. Availability per class will be listed each week on my website Bookings page.
I’m running ‘Introduction to Sketching’ courses at Larry Post. These classes are designed for new sketchers or as a sketching refresher. The next course starts Thursday 19 March, and runs for 4 weeks. There are a couple of spots available.
I’m also collaborating with Harry Hartog Booksellers, Westfield Warringah Mall to host a Taste of Sketching Workshop on the 24 March.
My first guest tutor Richard Briggs has run two fully-booked workshops. His third Sketching Workshop will take place on 28 March in Manly. There are a couple of spots available. Book via text to me.
I’ll be announcing dates for four April Workshops very soon. Below are my ideas so far and please feel free to let me know if you have other ideas. I’d really like my classes to reflect your needs and interests.
1. Surry Hills - Doorways & Gardens
2. Paddington - Reservoir Gardens: A Hidden Gem
3. Larry Post - Sunday Soirée: Expressive Watercolour
4. Larry Post - Abstracts on Paper, An Introduction.

I thought I’d share some things that may be of interest to you...
Life Drawing
Manly Art Gallery run Tuesday night Life Drawing Classes $10- $17 Bookings: https://www.northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au/things-to-do/arts-and-culture/manly-art-gallery-museum-magm/creative-learning
There’s a fabulous Documentary about the artist, Banksy, running at Hoyts Warringah Mall, organised by www.FilmsforChange.com.au Tuesday 31st March Bookings: https://g.co/kgs/M3Hgj6
Art Supplies
Larry Post Art Supplies Brookvale have lovely new Seawhite of Brighton sketchbooks, travel brushes, and a special offer on sample Daniel Smith watercolours: buy one and receive a sample colour of your choice for free.
A Favourite Art Podcast
Have a listen to Lorna Horn Art on Spotify. I’d love to hear what you think. https://open.spotify.com/show/3u4qFA6uOpSX97VaSqtzt8?si=YLsT3PGYSseTpZVslPdpjg
I loved this article
‘Why Making Art is Good For Us’ https://www.npr.org/2019/12/30/792439555/making-art-is-good-for-your-health-heres-how-to-start-a-habit
I hope you found some interesting things above. Your feedback is always welcome!
Warm regards
Art Classes With Toni